Unhappy meal : The European Food Safety Authority's independance problem

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Unhappy meal. The European Food Safety Authority’s independence problem. One of the most important though least known institutions in the EU, the European Food SafetyAuthority (EFSA) is, according to its motto, “committed to ensuring that Europe's food is safe”.Everyone eating food in Europe is affected by its decisions. Following controversy over its close tieswith industry, the agency has implemented a new policy designed to ensure the independence of its scientific panels. Yet serious conflicts of interest remain. Over half of the 209 scientists sittingon the agency's panels have direct or indirect ties with the industries they are meant to regulate. A much clearer and stricter independence policy needs to be set up and rigorously implemented to restore the Authority's reputation and integrity.

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39 p.

Citer cette ressource

Unhappy meal : The European Food Safety Authority's independance problem, dans Science & Ignorance, consulté le 9 Mars 2025, https://ignorancestudies.inist.fr/s/science-ignorance/item/5496
