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This website was launched in 2024 and designed to showcase a range of paper and digital resources gathered since 2016 at the CAPHÉS - Centre d'archives en philosophie, histoire et édition des sciences UAR 3610 (CNRS-ENS) - to document the field of ignorance studies. This field of research was set up a few decades ago by historians, philosophers of science, sociologists and anthropologists to understand more about the mechanisms of ignorance production, particularly in major health and environmental controversies. The aim of this documentation is to illustrate the significant development of the field in recent years, and the way in which it has spread to various disciplines in the humanities.
The site features:
- a paper collection, comprising over 200 monographs and several hundred offprints - mainly articles and book chapters, but also a number of reports, papers and academic productions.
- a collection of video portraits: interviews with key figures in the field.
The site was developed by the INIST in cooperation with the CAPHÉS and thus benefits from the INIST's expertise in displaying and disseminating research data. The current platform is harvestable in OAI-PMH and offers several search modes suitable for both expert researchers and the public layperson - a faceted search engine, indexes and a video gallery.