The Ignostudies Hypotheses Notebook
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The Ignostudies Hypotheses Notebook was launched in 2018. It reports on the CAPHÉS’s scientific activities on the theme of "Science and Ignorance”. It provides access to a range of digital resources.
These include video records of colloquia, interviews with scientists on scholarly ignorance conducted in the framework of a seminar for PSL post-graduate students, interviews with key figures in agnotology, bibliographies, and illustrated monitoring posts highlighting recent articles or books.
Interest in the more specific theme of fake-news is also reflected in the Hypotheses notebook, which includes a recording of the lectures given at the "Infox, post-truth and fake-news" symposium, as well as a bibliography.
A database compiled in 2020 of bibliographic and web references on the various forms of misinformation during the SARS-COV2 pandemic is also presented.